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The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.
-- Joseph Priestley


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Achievement zone

Venture beyond what you know you can do, and soon you’ll know you can do more. Give yourself a solid, meaningful, positive challenge, and in working to meet that challenge you’ll encounter a more powerful you.

If you feel stuck, the way out is not to hope for someone who will come along and make it all better. The way out is to be the motivated, passionate, purposeful person who will indeed make things much better.

When you don’t know how, take it upon yourself to learn. When you’re not sure what to do, work through your choices and your priorities until you’re able to aim your focus in a specific direction.

Life can be complicated, yet you have what it takes to figure it out. Life can be challenging, and yet you have the outstanding ability to work through those challenges.

From the most difficult situations you can build your biggest successes. Beyond your comfort zone is your achievement zone.

Step boldly and confidently into that achievement zone, and enthusiastically do the work it demands of you. Discover how very much you can do by making the real, unwavering commitment to get it done.

— Ralph Marston

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