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Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions.
-- Antoinette Brown Blackwell


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Effort is opportunity

Every effort, no matter how small or tedious or seemingly insignificant, builds value in your life. Every effort is an opportunity.

With every effort, you make a difference in the world. With every effort, you express your ability and your influence.

Give joy to each effort, and you add joy to your life. Give your attention and focus and gratitude to the efforts, and they produce meaningful, lasting value.

Seek out efforts, perform the efforts, and what you get is achievement. What you get is the experience of life lived in a truly fulfilling and satisfying way.

With effort, problems are solved, obstacles are transcended, and dreams come true. With effort, you can change the world in accordance with your highest, most authentic vision.

Fill each day with positive, purposeful efforts. And you’ll fill your world with great meaning and joy.

— Ralph Marston

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