Thursday, July 26, 2012
Positive power
Your most formidable obstacle is you. If you are unwilling, or filled with doubt, you simply cannot get very far.
All the other challenges and limitations, you can find a way around. Yet when you persist in holding yourself back, nothing can move you forward.
The extremely good news is, you never have to continue holding yourself back. You can be entirely free of your most stubborn burden simply by choosing to be.
Your doubts are yours by choice, and you can choose to let them go. Your apathy, lack of ambition, and negativity are yours by choice, and you can be free of them all in an instant.
There are many difficult challenges to living a life of success and fulfillment. Yet once you get the positive power of your own authentic purpose on your side, you have what it takes to handle everything else.
Instead of being your own biggest obstacle, choose to be your own most effective advocate and facilitator of success. You have the power to choose in every moment, so choose again and again to live the richest, most meaningful life you can imagine.
Ralph Marston

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