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Our power is in our ability to decide.
-- Buckminster Fuller


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Put it all to use

Nothing is too difficult and nothing is too complicated. Nothing is out of reach, and nothing is too outrageous.

Life is what it is, and you have the immense good fortune of being here, right now, to live it. So instead of working to place judgments on it, go ahead and live it.

Sure, some tasks are highly complex, and others demand large amounts of effort and commitment. The good news is that those are precisely the kinds of things you’re so very good at.

It is indeed a blessing that life can be so demanding. After all, that’s what gives life so many great and fulfilling possibilities.

Step up and claim the most valuable of your own amazing possibilities. Feel those good things that resonate most with you, and joyfully bring them to life.

You have great power, purpose, and ability. Choose in this moment, and again and again, to put it all to meaningful and effective use.

— Ralph Marston

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