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Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.
-- Washington Irving


Monday, July 16, 2012

As you choose to be

You don’t have to let the surroundings and occurrences of your world bring you stress. You can choose to give them love and appreciation.

Instead of handing out judgments about every little frustration, annoyance and disturbance, you can exude peace and positive purpose. Instead of letting life get to you, let real, authentic joy flow forth from you.

You are perfectly capable of being ever peaceful, even though you may not always be in peaceful surroundings. You are easily and naturally able to be continually positive, regardless of what may come your way.

The quality of your life in every moment is your decision. Peace is not a place or even an external condition, but a choice of how you are.

Let go of conflicting thoughts about how life is supposed to be. Live life simply and purely as you choose to be.

Enjoy the immense richness that is always within you, and around you, and extending infinitely out from you. Choose love, peace, joy and positive purpose in every moment, and feel how outstandingly good it is to give life your very best.

— Ralph Marston

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