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No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Your own very best way

The way to know how is to know why. The best way for you to do something is the way you devise, based on your own particular purpose and your own particular set of resources.

Certainly there are very specific methods and techniques that you can learn from others, and that will help you greatly. However, to achieve the result you envision, you must be the person to design and manage the process.

Others can help you with the tactics. It’s your job to devise and carry out the strategy.

How do you achieve your dream when there are so many obstacles in your path? By taking responsibility for answering that question, you take true ownership of the dream.

Others can inspire you, encourage you, instruct you and advise you. However, it’s your dream, and it’s your immensely satisfying and fulfilling job to find a way of bringing it to life.

Feel the authentic desire, know you can, and you will find your own very best way. Follow your heart, and you won’t have to follow anyone else’s instructions.

— Ralph Marston

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