virgin islands scene

Solitude and silence teach me to love my brothers for what they are, not for what they say.
-- Thomas Merton


Monday, June 11, 2012

True wealth

Everything has a cost. And that is good, because it enables everything to have value.

You get what you pay for. And that is good, because everyone wins when value can be traded equitably.

If you’re not willing to pay the price, it is not possible for you to benefit from the value. What you get with no effort or payment on your part, is not worth having.

It is your participation in the creation of value that makes it valuable and meaningful to you. It is a waste of your precious life to expect something for nothing.

It is the earning, not the possession, that brings fulfillment. It is what you contribute that determines your true wealth.

The authentic and immensely satisfying wealth of life is always available to you. All you have to do, is earn it.

— Ralph Marston

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