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It takes less time to do a thing right than it does to explain why you did it wrong.
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Friday, May 18, 2012

Your own special excellence

Life is filled with frustration, pain, inconvenience, disappointment and all sorts of other troubles. And in every frustration, in every inconvenience, in every difficulty is an opportunity to make life better.

You don’t have to accept anything less than a life of excellence. Because you can make a difference, and you can continually make improvements.

Instead of complaining about whatever may be bothering you, simply acknowledge it and then get busy doing something to improve the situation. Instead of settling for anything less than the best you can imagine, keep making improvements until your reality is in line with your highest vision.

There’s nothing positive to be gained by worrying about what might go wrong. Put your energy into arranging for things to go the way you intend.

Of course you cannot control every influence upon your life. However, you can prepare and position yourself to intelligently, purposefully and positively respond to whatever comes your way.

If your life is not living up to your very highest expectations, there are countless ways to make improvements. Choose to act, choose to improve, and bring your own special excellence to life.

— Ralph Marston

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