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The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
-- Nathaniel Branden


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grab the opportunity

The problems will only get bigger if you run from them or hide from them. The way to truly make a problem go away is to work through it.

By acknowledging that there’s a problem, you express an initial degree of confidence in your ability to handle it. By digging in and going to work on the problem, you set success in motion.

You don’t want to obsess over the problems, but you don’t want to ignore them either. The best approach is a realistic, confident, active approach.

In each problem there is real opportunity for the creation of meaningful value. So it just makes sense to be eager and enthusiastic and positive about bringing that value to life.

When you deal with difficult problems you must make difficult and painful choices. Yet as painful as those choices may be, ignoring the problem will eventually lead to much, much more pain.

When you spot a problem, get quickly, confidently and effectively out in front of it, and do what you do best. Grab the opportunity that’s in the problem, and be the one who brings that opportunity to life.

— Ralph Marston

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