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Change yourself and your work will seem different.
-- Norman Vincent Peale


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Look forward

Don’t base your attitude on what you’ve already experienced in the past. Choose your attitude based on what you would most like to experience in the future.

The way you decide to see the world determines what kind of world you see. Decide to see, and to live in, the very best world you can imagine.

Don’t waste a lot of time complaining about what has already happened. Put your time and energy into envisioning and planning and acting to create the life you truly wish to live.

Look forward with eager anticipation, see life at its best, and smile about what you see. What’s ahead is what counts, because that’s what you have the opportunity to choose right now.

There’s never any reason to be discouraged. No matter where you are or where you’ve been, you can choose a positive future for yourself.

Look forward, and see the positive possibilities. Look forward, and step decisively toward the best of them.

— Ralph Marston

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