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It is never too late to be what you might have been.
-- George Eliot


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Live the goodness

Life is difficult when you assume it to be so. Yet you never have to make that assumption.

Life is good when you allow it to be so. And you can always allow it to be.

It is not the situation itself that makes life one way or the other. It is the way you choose to view and to live the situation that makes all the difference.

Make the assumption that your life today is the very best it can possibly be. Then go out and prove that assumption true by the way you live.

Operate from a positive perspective and that will enable you to see the positive possibilities. Focus on visions of goodness and fulfillment, and the most valuable opportunities will fill your awareness.

You are immensely powerful, capable, and creative. See the goodness, be the goodness, live the goodness, and fill your life with the best possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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