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We promise according to our hopes and perform according to our fears.
-- Francois De La Rochefoucauld


Monday, October 31, 2011

Generous living

Allow yourself to be inspired, and you enable yourself to be inspiring. Open yourself to criticism, and you position yourself for improvement.

Permit yourself to be challenged, and you compel yourself to grow stronger. Discipline yourself to stay focused, and you reward yourself with great achievement.

The kind of face you present to the world determines the kind of world you see and experience. What you get is very closely connected to how you are, to how you act, and to the way you think and feel.

The outside world is a surprisingly accurate mirror of your inside substance. Your choices determine your realities, both in ways that are obvious and in ways you cannot possibly imagine.

It is impossible to deceive life, so there’s no point in even trying to do so. Instead, put your energy and your effort into honest, authentic, generous living.

The goodness that flows out from you is constantly transformed into the good and valuable things that surround you. Let that goodness freely flow, and experience life at its best.

— Ralph Marston

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