virgin islands scene

A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well.
-- Francis Bacon


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Power of your thoughts

The focus of your attention enlarges and expands whatever you focus upon. That can either hurt you greatly or help you immensely.

Your complaints, for example, give more power and presence to whatever you complain about. Your love, on the other hand, gives more substance to whatever you love.

Put the focus of your attention not on what you wish to avoid. Instead, constantly direct your attention toward where you would like your life to go.

Your unceasing thoughts have great power. So frame those thoughts in a positive way that will put their power to work for you.

The more you think you are, the more you are. What you do flows surely and steadily from what you think, so keep your thoughts focused on your dreams.

Give life to your best intentions by giving the power of your thoughts to them. Make your dreams real by keeping them constantly in your thoughts.

— Ralph Marston

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