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Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese.
-- Billie Burke


Thursday, August 25, 2011

What you do

You cannot always control what you get. What you absolutely can control, though, is what you do.

The actions you take will indeed bring results. However, there can often be other factors that influence those results.

Focus your energy on pointing your actions consistently and persistently in the direction of your dreams. Those actions will, one way or another, move you in that direction.

What you can control is what you do, so make the very most of that opportunity. Although other factors may at times work against you, there is great benefit to having your own considerable strength working for you.

Fashion and evaluate your goals in terms of real, specific actions you can take. There is plenty that you can do, so don’t let any adverse outside influences stop you from doing it.

Life can sometimes be arbitrary and unfair, and yet your authentic purpose and intention give you the upper hand. Do your very best no matter what, and your positive, living purpose will surely prevail.

— Ralph Marston

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