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You must do the things you think you cannot do.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Thursday, August 18, 2011

What is easy

Easy is overrated. Though easy is nice and convenient, it is not essential.

Many good, valuable and worthwhile things are not easy. Unfortunately, perfectly acceptable options are too often overlooked simply because they are not easy.

Life is not always easy. And yet life is very much worth living, and very much worth the trouble and effort it often requires.

If you only seek the easiest way, you’ll miss out on the best way. If you avoid what is not easy, you’ll deny yourself great richness.

When you expect everything to be easy, you’ll have to lower your other expectations. Many of life’s greatest treasures are so valuable precisely because they are so difficult to attain.

Go to the trouble, make the effort, and take on the difficult challenges. For out there beyond the comfort of what is easy, you can create and experience the magnificence of what is great.

— Ralph Marston

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