Thursday, July 28, 2011
Show life how good it can be
Show life today how good it can be. With your attitude and your actions, prove to the world that life is very much worth living.
Do you long to experience real, substantive hope for the future? Then be the living embodiment of that hope with the way you conduct your life.
Is it naive, or even cruel or insensitive to expect the best when things are at their worst? No, because it is precisely from those sincere, positive expectations that life-changing improvements come.
Even the smallest light can break through the darkest darkness. And that will enable other lights to shine.
When there’s no good reason to be positive, be positive anyway. Yes, you can do it, and it will truly make a profound difference.
Remind life of how good it can be. And make more and more of that goodness in your world.
Ralph Marston
New special feature: Your own special beauty.

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