virgin islands scene

When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.
-- Theodore Roosevelt


Friday, July 22, 2011

So do it

The way to find out how much you can do, is to do it. The way to know how far you can go, is to get going.

Most of what you see as impossible is impossible only because you think it is. Stop over-analyzing it, start doing it, and let your actions define what is possible.

If you truly knew all that you were capable of achieving, you would never hesitate to step forward. The positive possibilities have no limit, so don’t impose your own limits on them.

Instead, get busy exploring and expressing the best of those possibilities. Here you are, with dreams, with abilities, and with a day in which to put those abilities to use, so do it.

Find out just how strong and capable you are by putting your strength to a meaningful test. See how much you can do by watching yourself do it.

Dare to dream, and then dare to act on those dreams. Real, fulfilling, meaningful value is yours to create right now, so get busy and do it.

— Ralph Marston

Special Feature: Your opportunity is now.

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