Monday, July 18, 2011
Your very best vision
What would you do, if you could do anything? How would this day be, if you could create it to be just the way you want?
What would occupy your thoughts, if you did not have to worry about anything? What actions would you take, if you were sure they would bring what you intended?
What would you say if you were not concerned about what anyone else might think? What would you dream of experiencing, if you were certain the dream would come true?
How would you live, if you allowed your most treasured inner values to be expressed in your outer world? How would you feel, if you could feel precisely the way you wanted to feel?
In fact, on this day and in this place, you can. You can do and say and feel and be precisely the way you would like to be.
Life is entirely what you allow it to be. Imagine, intend and allow your very best vision of life right now, and always.
Ralph Marston
New inspiring video: The Peace That Always Is

Copyright ©2011 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.