virgin islands scene

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.
-- Richard Bach


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Your very essence

What you truly desire, you cannot ever take from anybody else. Because what you truly desire, is to fulfill your own unique purpose.

If you cheat or steal, you gain nothing of real value. If you destroy or injure, you are just making life more difficult for everyone, especially including you.

There are no shortcuts to the real fulfillment you seek. When you grab the mere tokens of that fulfillment, you push the real substance of it farther away.

There is no such thing as something for nothing. Even if there were, you would not want it, for it would bring no fulfillment.

Go ahead, make the commitment, make the effort, and persist in that effort until you can feel the fulfillment start to take hold. Go ahead and do the hard work to make a positive difference in your own special way, because that is what you long to do.

You are immensely valuable, and that value can be fully expressed only through sustained and focused effort. Make the commitment to live that value, for it is your very essence, and well worth whatever you must endure.

— Ralph Marston

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