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The great questions are those an intelligent child asks and, getting no answers, stops asking.
-- George Wald


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Confident persistence

The more you try to please everybody, the less you’ll be able to benefit anybody. If you worry constantly about what others will think, you’ll sabotage your greatest accomplishments before they even get started.

Be kind, compassionate, thoughtful and considerate. Yet don’t be a slave to the opinions of others.

By all means, hold yourself to the highest standards. Just be sure they are truly your standards, and not merely fears about what others may think.

Live and act true to what you know is right, and appropriate, and valuable. Follow your heart, your desires, your intuition and your own authentic dreams.

Listen to the criticism and advice, and learn from it. But don’t let it dissuade you or delay you from doing what you know you must.

You can achieve whatever you choose if you’ll just have the confidence and persistence to see it all the way through. Whatever others might say or think, create the great value that is yours to create.

— Ralph Marston

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