virgin islands scene

An artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it.
-- Paul Valery


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Begin the beauty

If you consider it to be impossible, you won’t do it. In fact, you won’t even make the attempt.

So, don’t consider it to be impossible. Instead of thinking about why you can’t, just get busy working on how you can.

Instead of thinking about why you can’t, feel the empowering passion of why you must. Let go of the scolding, limiting voice of your ego and follow the limitless yearning of your spirit.

Stop analyzing and anticipating how difficult it will be. Focus your heart on how wonderful it will be.

Start feeling, moving and celebrating the good fortune you have of being able to make things happen. Go beyond merely considering the possibilities and jump into the beautiful reality of living the best of those possibilities.

Begin the beauty of your dream right now. Show life how amazingly good it can be.

— Ralph Marston

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