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If people like you, they'll listen to you, but if they trust you, they'll do business with you.
-- Zig Ziglar


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coming to life

In this moment, a new world is being created. It may look similar to the world of a few hours ago, or even a few days ago, and yet in at least one important way it is different.

The new world that’s coming to life right now is a world you can make into anything you choose. By the way you choose to think, to feel, to perceive and to act, you shape the world that is now arriving in your experience.

There is always hope, for there is always something positive you can do with the moment you’re helping to bring to life. Nothing is a foregone conclusion because every assumption is based on a past that is quickly receding.

Breathe in the fresh, empowering air of opportunity. Know that wherever you may have come from, your direction right now is completely up to you.

There are beautiful dreams and heartfelt desires that have been living patiently and hopefully within you. This day is the best opportunity you’ve known so far, to bring them more fully to life.

Feel the possibilities in the new world that is being born in front of your eyes right now. And lovingly, carefully fill it with your own special goodness.

— Ralph Marston

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