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The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.
-- Dean Acheson


Friday, February 11, 2011

All for the best

Whatever has happened, accept that it is for the best. Feel the freedom of not having to fight against the past.

Sure, you could place judgments on past events and wish they had happened differently. And all that judging and wishing would do nothing except waste your time and energy.

Simply accept that what has already happened is indeed for the best. Then get busy making it so.

Choose to fully appreciate what you have right now to work with, no matter how it may have arrived. Know that there is real value in your present circumstance, and you’ll find that value and be able to build on it.

Often, an outstanding opportunity will make its first appearance in the form of a heartbreaking disappointment. By accepting that the disappointment is for the best, you gain entrance to the full power of the opportunity.

All that has happened is for the best. With it you can fashion your own unique greatness.

— Ralph Marston

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