virgin islands scene

A man's best friends are his ten fingers.
-- Robert Collyer


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Genuine desire

What you most fervently desire pushes you to give the best you can give. In focusing on those things you wish to attain, you’ll activate the strength and discipline necessary for their achievement.

It is never selfish to desire what you genuinely desire. What’s selfish is stifling those desires and declining to give the world your own unique greatness.

The fulfillment you seek will not take anything away from anyone else. In fact, in the process of bringing about that fulfillment you add much value to the lives of those around you.

Real, lasting, meaningful success is built by creating value. Your desire for some particular outcome motivates you to achieve, and as you achieve you lift others up as well.

Those things you are positively passionate about enable you to discover powerful, effective ways of creating new value. When you follow your dreams, you lead other people to theirs.

Listen to the stirrings of your own authentic desires. When you’re clear about what you wish to do, there’s no limit on how high you can lift the whole world.

— Ralph Marston

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