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Patience, taken too far, becomes cowardice. There is a time to shut up and do something.
-- Roy H. Williams


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Small decisions

The small decisions have a big influence on your life because you make so many of them, all day, every day. The small decisions are the ones that keep you focused and moving ahead.

Sure, the big decisions, that you pay a lot of attention to, will set the direction for your life. However, the small decisions are what deliver and maintain that direction.

Small decisions come so fast and so frequently that you can’t possibly have time to think through each one. That’s why the way to effectively take positive control of those small decisions is to develop positive habits.

Instead of thinking through each small decision, program those decisions into your behavior. Instead of being constantly tempted to wander away from the path you’ve chosen, make it your second nature to keep yourself positively focused on what really matters.

Get all the powerful small decisions working in your favor by making them into solid, repeating habits. Invest in creating positive habits in your life, and your investment will continue to pay valuable dividends each day.

Every moment is a choice. Create powerful, positive habits for yourself and all those choices will lead you precisely where you wish to go.

— Ralph Marston

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