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The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.
-- Alfred North Whitehead


Friday, January 14, 2011

Feel life

In order to feel your immense power, you must feel. Just go ahead and allow your authentic, living feelings to be, and move your life powerfully forward.

The way you feel connects you to the truth of who you are. Accept and acknowledge those feelings, and that truth becomes increasingly clear.

Listen to what you are telling yourself with the way you feel. Acquaint yourself with the full extent of the power you have by fully feeling the beautiful reality of who you are.

Be willing to accept the feelings as they come, and nurture your life with their energy. Then, be just as willing to let them go, so they never have to burden you, and so there will be space for new feelings to arise.

Instead of pushing your feelings down with judgment and fear, welcome the authentic power and truth they bring. You are here now to feel every rich and vibrant aspect of your existence.

Feel the life that is yours in each moment you live. Feel the truth, feel the positive power, and make a uniquely beautiful life with it all.

— Ralph Marston

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