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Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
-- Samuel Johnson


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Go get more

You do not grow old simply by living a certain number of years. You grow old only when you stop filling those years with new substance and value.

Don’t spend all your time and energy merely confirming again and again what you already know. That will make you too old too soon.

Instead, put your effort and energy into learning, discovering and experiencing what you do not yet know. That will keep your life young, fresh and vibrant, even as the years continue to progress.

There are all kinds of new things you can learn today. There are all sorts of great ways to challenge your assumptions and increase your wisdom.

If you think you know it all, you’re cheating yourself out of the opportunity to continually build upon your knowledge. If you refuse to challenge your beliefs, those beliefs will begin to imprison you rather than support you.

Treasure the knowledge you possess and all the rich experiences you’ve had. Then get up, get out there and get a whole lot more.

— Ralph Marston

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