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The need to be right (driven by ego) crowds out the opportunity to be persuasive.
-- Scott Adams


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Absolutely convinced

The way to get yourself to do anything is to first accept that you must do it. Until you stop fighting against yourself, you’ll never get much done.

It is common and natural to avoid difficult, challenging effort. Even so, you can always choose to allow yourself to make the effort.

You absolutely have the ability to do the necessary work and reach whatever goal you set for yourself. To fully unleash that ability, you just have to fully and sincerely buy into the goal.

It is essential that you completely convince yourself of the worthiness and desirability of what you intend to do. Once you are absolutely convinced, you’ll be absolutely committed.

The most important person to have on your side is you. Once you are truly convinced and committed, you’ll be able to get other people convinced and committed.

When it means everything to you, you’ll make the commitment to do whatever it takes. And with that total commitment, you’ll get it done.

— Ralph Marston

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