virgin islands scene

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
-- Ursula K. Le Guin


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Show the world

The way to get people thinking highly of you is to stop worrying about what they think. The most impressive person you can be is your true, authentic self.

People will quickly tire of you telling them only what you assume they want to hear. To have truly momentous impact, tell them what you really think and know and feel.

You are delightfully unique and that uniqueness provides you with more than enough great value to last a lifetime. Follow your intuition, be who you truly are, and allow that value to freely flow.

Breathe in the sweet, fresh air of possibility in each new moment. The happier you allow yourself to be, the more great things you can give to all of life.

The opinions of others can be interesting and instructive. Just be sure not to let someone else’s opinion limit you or define you.

Get up, go forward and show the world the fascinating, unique person you really are. Live life on your own terms, from your own perspective, and create your very own greatness.

— Ralph Marston

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