virgin islands scene

When you come to the end of your rope...tie a knot and hang on.
-- Franklin D Roosevelt


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Richness in return

You are spending one precious and irreplaceable day of your life today. What have you chosen to get from it?

Is your objective just to make it through the day with the least possible amount of effort? Then what you’ll end up with is the least possible amount of fulfillment.

If someone bound you with chains and prevented you from doing anything, you would protest loudly and continuously. Yet if you choose on your own to do nothing with this day that is now yours, isn’t that just as disagreeable, and perhaps even more so?

Think for a moment of all the good and valuable things you have available to you right now. You have life, you have awareness, you have a purpose, and you have the ability to make a difference.

You are perceptive and intelligent, adaptable and effective. You have desires aching to be fulfilled and values longing to be expressed.

And right here, right now, in this place as it is, with what you have, you can put it all to meaningful use. As you spend this valuable day, be sure to get some equally valuable and lasting richness in return.

— Ralph Marston

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