virgin islands scene

Practical people would be more practical if they would take a little more time for dreaming.
-- J. P. McEvoy


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Choose again

You have chosen every thought, every feeling, every response and every action. Now you have the opportunity to choose again.

If you’re completely satisfied with where you are, keep making the same choices that have brought you here. If you prefer to experience more valuable, fulfilling results, then make more positive, appropriate choices.

Any outcome is within your power to create because any choice is within your power to make. The priorities you choose determine the realities you get.

Every moment of every day you are exerting a powerful and effective influence on your world. Whether that influence is positive or negative depends entirely on the choices you make.

Not only can you choose, you can learn from what you choose and continually improve the quality of your choices as you make more and more of them. Because you’re able to learn and adapt, nothing you truly desire is out of your reach.

So look deep within and become familiar with your most authentic desires. Then commit to making the choices that will fulfill every one of them.

— Ralph Marston

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