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We are hoarding potentials so great that they are just about unimaginable.
-- Jack Schwartz


Friday, October 22, 2010

Steadfastness of purpose

Don’t base your attitude on how things are. Choose your attitude so that it supports and expresses the way you wish to be.

Events and circumstances swirl around you in a constant state of flux and confusion. Yet those things you perceive and experience do not define who you are.

You are more than the fleeting situations and occurrences in your world. Living within you are the steady values, purposes, intentions and dreams that transcend all the ups and downs playing out around you.

Let your feelings be guided and inspired by the best that’s inside you. Don’t let those feelings be tossed in every direction by whatever happens to come your way.

There is no end to the number of distractions vying to pull you away from your purpose. Yet there is no good reason to give in to any of those distractions, for each one will soon pass on by.

Live with a steadfastness of positive purpose. Who you truly are, is always much stronger than whatever you might be going through.

— Ralph Marston

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