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All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Living inspiration

Certainly you can inspire others with your words. Yet you can inspire other people even more with the way you live.

By skillfully arguing and presenting your beliefs, you can convince others to consider adopting those beliefs. Yet you can express those beliefs even more convincingly by consistently applying them to your life.

With what you say, you can get some attention. With what you do, again and again, you can build real and lasting credibility.

If you wish to lift others up, the first step is to bring your own life to a higher level. Then you can bring along as many other people as you wish.

It’s not selfish to follow your own authentic dreams and to create a life for yourself that’s the best you can imagine. For in doing so, you also create outstanding opportunities along the way to be of real, meaningful service to others.

Your life has unique and immense value. Share that value far and wide by living your dreams and making your life a true inspiration.

— Ralph Marston

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