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There never was a good knife made of bad steel.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More determined than ever

Let your high expectations push you forward. But don’t let them create disappointments that hold you back.

It’s great when you expect the best. But it’s important to keep in mind that you won’t get all the way there immediately, on the first attempt.

When you’re disappointed by the results, that’s no reason to give up your high expectations. On the contrary, it’s a good time to recommit yourself to those high expectations and perhaps to even raise them a bit.

Instead of being discouraged by less than spectacular results, be encouraged by the fact that you’re aiming so high. Double down on your expectations by becoming more determined than ever.

You won’t instantly achieve what you set out to achieve. The fact that it will take a while to reach makes your goal all the more valuable.

Expect the best and if you fail to get it, continue to expect the best. Eventually you’ll reach the goal, and it will be well worth all your positive persistence.

— Ralph Marston

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