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Talent without genius isn't much, but genius without talent is nothing whatsoever.
-- Paul Valery


Saturday, June 12, 2010

One thing better

Don’t despair that you can’t immediately make everything better. You can always make one thing better.

Then, you can continue that momentum, making another improvement, and another, and another. You can start right now.

Even one little success is empowering. It points you in a decidedly positive direction.

What if you could see each little nagging problem as the opportunity for improvement that it is? You would realize that there’s no shortage of ways to be successful.

You already have everything necessary to start right now and create a continuous stream of value. One positive, effective, meaningful effort will get you going.

Feel how right it feels to make your world better. Delight in making a difference, over and over again.

— Ralph Marston

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