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In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Priceless beauty

Possibility can be a frightening thing because it is so vast. There are so many choices available to you, it’s difficult work figuring out which ones to follow.

One of the most important things you will ever do is to understand exactly what you wish to do. It may seem intimidating, and yet it can be easy when you simply let yourself be you.

Don’t be afraid or ashamed of what you truly desire. That desire is a window into the valuable and unique purpose that is at the heart of you.

A mere machine is able to follow instructions, and can do so very well. Your job is to follow your heart, and that’s a much more important job.

You are a living expression of truth. There are gifts you have to give that cannot ever come from anywhere else.

Feel those urges that come from the heart of you, and give them life. Create the priceless beauty that is yours alone, right now, to create.

— Ralph Marston

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