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By forgetting the past and by throwing myself into other interests, I forget to worry.
-- Jack Dempsey


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Choices in every moment

The same skills you use to create limiting beliefs can be used to create empowering beliefs. All you need is a meaningful enough reason.

The same energy you use to make excuses can instead be used to take action. You simply have to want it enough.

You are a full time, highly effective achievement machine. What you choose to achieve is completely up to you.

You have what it takes to live your dreams and you have what it takes to ignore those dreams. You get to decide which it will be.

Your choices are made in every moment, in every word, in every thought, and in every action. Those choices are driven by what you focus upon.

The life you live is the life you choose to most vividly and consistently imagine. Imagine the best, without ceasing, and that’s exactly what you’ll have.

— Ralph Marston

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