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No one has less serenity than the person who does not know what is right or wrong.
-- Ryan Holiday


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More than you think

When your mind goes to the trouble to give you a thought, pay attention. There’s a reason for that thought.

It may seem insignificant, but it’s not. That thought, at the moment it comes, is the culmination of all you’ve ever known.

Instead of dismissing your thoughts, explore them. Instead of assuming that a particular thought is irrelevant, look for its deeper meaning.

You know much, much more than you think you know. Be appreciative, respectful and curious when your mind is helping you to remember and to realize what’s truly important.

Within your thoughts there is great, untapped wealth. Pay attention, and reap the benefit of that wealth as it flows into your awareness.

Right now, your mind is offering you a thought that can change your life. Let that thought come, explore its meaning, and fully live the richness it brings.

— Ralph Marston

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