virgin islands scene

Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow.
-- Helen Keller


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Be prepared

Fear will keep you alive, and yet it can also kill your dreams. Fear of the unknown will build a wall between you and your best possibilities.

Fear’s most insistent message is -- be prepared. Be fully prepared, and fear will no longer hold you back.

Preparation takes effort and initiative, discipline and commitment. And it is well worth the effort, because it opens up a whole world of new options for you.

Your fear gives you a perfect excuse to avoid reaching for your most treasured dream. But wouldn’t you rather have the dream than the excuse?

What is it that you fear? There is something you can do today, right now, to prepare -- something that will begin to dilute that fear.

Do the work to prepare yourself, to give yourself options, and the fear will lose its grip on you. Make the effort to be prepared, and move beyond every fear.

— Ralph Marston

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