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First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.
-- Epictetus


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Positively captivated

What do you do if you don’t care about what you’re doing? Either find a way to care, or move quickly on to something else.

Life is far too precious to fill it with even a few moments of mediocrity. You have within you the power of passion, so make sure that power is turned on.

Go beyond merely observing what’s happening in the world around you. Connect with it in a robust and meaningful way.

Enormous mountains of value can be yours when you simply choose to resonate with the beauty of that value. Be positively captivated by the possibilities.

Truly care about whatever you do and it becomes outstanding. Within your passion there is always another fortune ready to be expressed and achieved.

Feel the great, inexhaustible substance that is your purpose. Put it into what you do, and what you do will be magnificent.

— Ralph Marston

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