virgin islands scene

Discontent is the first necessity of progress.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Friday, February 12, 2010

Go steady

A steady rain is the best kind. For it fills the rivers and wells without overwhelming the land.

In the same way, a steady, focused effort is the best kind. For it brings real, lasting value in a dependable and sustainable way.

When you walk somewhere, you don’t attempt to cover your maximum possible stride with every step. For you would quickly grow tired and give up.

Doing your best doesn’t mean that you must do the most you can possibly do in every single moment. By all means be ambitious, yet pace yourself so that the ambition reliably comes to fruition.

The way to reliably get there is not by taking the biggest steps. The way to get there is by taking enough steps of a size and pace that you can sustain.

The important thing is to keep going. Keep going, sure and steady, and you’ll reach whatever destination you have chosen.

— Ralph Marston

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