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The great end of life is not knowledge but action.
-- Thomas H. Huxley


Monday, February 1, 2010

Exceedingly thankful

There are so very many good things in your life right now. Whatever may be, you always have plenty of great reasons to be exceedingly thankful.

Of course there are problems and challenges and difficulties. Yet there are even more opportunities for fulfillment and possibilities for joy.

Instead of complaining about what you don’t have, be truly thankful for all the goodness and richness that you do have. Instead of resenting those who have wronged you, remember and rejoice for all those people who have lifted you up.

When you find yourself worrying about what might be coming, stop. Recall with gratitude that you’ve made it through every challenge, and know with confidence that you can forge success out of whatever comes your way.

Even those deepest desires that are yet unfulfilled give you plenty of reason to be thankful. For you can eagerly look forward to the deeply satisfying experience of bringing those desires to life.

Feel how good it is and feel how empowering it is to fill yourself with gratitude. With a thankful heart, you’ll lovingly and successfully make your world an even better place.

— Ralph Marston

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