virgin islands scene

What is to give light must endure the burning.
-- Victor Frankl


Friday, December 18, 2009

Effective focus

Stop worrying about what you’re not getting done. Focus on being effective at what you’re doing right now.

Fretting and complaining that there’s not enough time will only waste more of your time. Just take one task, let go of your thoughts about everything else, and get it finished.

At any point in time, you’re either focused on one thing or focused on another. It is always your choice to make.

When the distractions entice you to lose focus, remind yourself that you can always indulge in them later. And get right back to the work at hand.

You’ll have plenty of time to do what you wish to do if you’ll simply spend your time actually doing it. You can be enormously productive when you put the power of focus to work for you.

Give all your attention to the task at hand. Feel the power, feel the effectiveness of keeping yourself tightly and effectively focused.

— Ralph Marston

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