virgin islands scene

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
-- Theodore Roosevelt


Friday, December 4, 2009

Always joy

Pleasures cease to be pleasurable when they start to enslave you. Are you missing out on true and lasting joy because you spend all your time and energy chasing empty pleasures?

It’s great to feel good. But don’t settle for mere pleasure when you can have joy and fulfillment instead.

Enjoy yourself, and yet make it meaningful enjoyment. With each thing you do, stop and consider what value it will add to the quality of your world.

When pleasure has no meaning it is no longer pleasurable, and just becomes a sad pursuit. Empty pleasures quickly fade, and leave behind nothing but the emptiness.

Instead of chasing pleasure, allow joy. While pleasures are specific and occur only when conditions are right, joy is unconditional and available at any time, in any place.

Enjoy the pleasures when they come, but don’t become enslaved to them. For real, meaningful joy asks nothing of you and is always yours to live.

— Ralph Marston

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