virgin islands scene

Life has a way of overgrowing its achievements as well as its ruins.
-- Edith Wharton


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Every little thing

Every little thing you do makes a difference. Each action, each word you speak, each thought you think will in some way change things for you and your world.

As you move through life, you are constantly leaving consequences in your wake. The nature of those consequences is what makes up the quality of your life.

Even the smallest things make a difference. And those small things can quickly add up to a big influence.

Your attitude and your outlook on life truly matter. They have a powerful influence over what kind of difference you are making, in the big decisions and the small ones too.

See the world as a beautiful place, filled with positive possibilities. And your actions, your thoughts, your consequences will take on the color of that positive perspective.

Everything, every moment, every person, every stirring in your heart matters. Let yourself love and value life, and be overjoyed at the positive difference that each of your moments can make.

— Ralph Marston

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