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Character building begins in our infancy, and continues until death.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Friday, September 18, 2009

Find your why

You can do what you think you cannot do. First you must change your thinking.

Most perceived limitations have some basis in fact. Yet every limitation that holds you back is supported in large measure by your assumption that it is a limitation.

By changing your assumptions, you can change the whole landscape of your possibilities. What once were limitations no longer are limitations.

Look at life from the perspective of purpose. Realize that there is a way to successfully express whatever authentic purpose is within you.

If you focus merely on how to get it done, you’ll find that many of the paths are blocked. Focus instead on why you must, and you’ll open yourself to a new set of workable, accessible and achievable strategies.

What do you think you cannot do? Find your why, and you’ll see the way.

— Ralph Marston

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