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The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.
-- Theodore Roosevelt


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Positive perspective

Your situation is what it is. Yet your perspective on that situation is whatever you choose for it to be.

You will see what you decide to see. You will experience what you expect to experience.

No one is really a victim of circumstance. But many are victims of the way they interpret and relate to their circumstances.

Choose to dwell on the positive possibilities. And you’ll see abundant opportunities for bringing those possibilities to life.

Don’t let yourself get thrown around by random occurrences. Be proactive in your optimism and learn to live the real goodness that is in every moment.

Whatever you are faced with, there is so much good and useful value that you can find in it. Live with a positive perspective, and you’ll live richly no matter what.

— Ralph Marston

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