virgin islands scene

Let your hook always be cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be a fish.
-- Ovid


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Magnificent dreams

What a shame it would be for your best dreams to go to waste. Do the work to make them real and you’ll find great fulfillment along the way.

Those things you love with all your heart are the most valuable things you have to offer. Truly make the world a more beautiful place by bringing your innermost desires to life.

Even the smallest acts have great power when they are sincere. When your efforts come directly from who you truly are, they always make a difference.

The world is filled with noise and confusion. But it does not ever have to distract you from what means the most to you.

Again and again, connect with those real and lasting values. When times are good, and when times are tough, they will always serve you well.

Your life is a beautiful and precious thing. Live the beauty, live the value, and live the substance of your most magnificent dreams.

— Ralph Marston

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