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If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.
-- Thomas Watson


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Give your best

Something magical happens when you put your focus on helping someone else. All your own worries, fears, concerns and doubts disappear.

By forgetting yourself you discover the best you can be. In sincerely seeking to give value, you bring great value into your own life.

Give, not because it looks good or even because it feels good. Give, because it fulfills your deepest purpose and brings you completely to life.

Seize the opportunities to be of value and to be of service. Live and act beyond yourself, and it opens your eyes to whole new realms and levels of possibilities.

With your sincerest actions, acknowledge and celebrate the connection you have to all others. In that connection you’ll find a limitless source of joy and fulfillment.

Give your best. And you truly become your best.

— Ralph Marston

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