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Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.
-- Demosthenes


Monday, May 25, 2009

Drop the resentment

Resentment builds a strong connection between you and whatever or whomever you resent. Is that really what you want to do?

The time and energy that you devote to resentment will take away from other things you could be doing. Is resentment really how you wish to spend your precious resources?

Sure, you may not like whatever has happened, whatever brought up those feelings of resentment. Yet the sooner you move beyond it, the better off you’ll be.

Stop punishing yourself for the thoughtlessness of someone else. Let it go, and let yourself move positively forward.

Take all that energy in your resentment, re-direct it, and make something valuable out of it. What’s happened has happened, yet what will happen next is up to you.

Make the next moment one that will give you cause for grateful celebration. Drop the resentment, and get on with living your own unique joy.

— Ralph Marston

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